Showing 0 to 4 of 5 Results

9 years ago
Blog Article (12022)

HHVM 3.2.0 File Not Found issue

The fine folks building HHVM released version 3.2.0 which I installed on my development box to try out only to find that suddenly I was getting nothing but 404's. I downgraded to 3.1.0 and once again everything worked. It took some crawling through the FastCGI code to realize that in 3.2.0 SCRIPT_FILENAME was wrong. Checking through the changes to the FastCGI code on github I came across this commit: It ...Read More

10 years ago
Blog Article (12031)

Quick Update on HHVM

I took Miles by Motorcycle live on HipHopVM on December 15th. I was concerned about crash problems since it's a long lived process so I set it up to be monitored by ?upstartd, which will restart the thing automatically if it crashes. However, it's been remarkably trouble free. It simply works. I was playing with Google's Webmaster tools a bit when I came across this interesting graphic showing crawler page download times for the last few months: It's pretty obvious when the site was ...Read More

10 years ago
Blog Article (12032)

So how much faster is HipHopVM than PHP?

My intention with my my "Adventures in Configuring HipHopVM" article was to describe my experiences in the hopes that it might be useful for someone else who's trying to get hhvm running. Maybe I could save someone else some time and headache. I didn't do any rigorous performance benchmarking but I did post the observation that one one particularly slow page I have, which was loading in something around 5 seconds on my development machine under PHP, would load in around 0.6 under HHVM. HHVM is ...Read More

10 years ago
Blog Article (12033)

Configuring and Using the HipHopVM (hhvm) Remote Debugger

I'm getting a little closer to fielding Miles By Motorcycle on the HipHopVM (a.k.a. hhvm) stack. I, however, ran into a last minute snag having to do with some disconcerting warning messages in the error log: HipHop Warning: Invalid argument: function: not a valid callback array hhvm is much better than PHP at generating meaningful warnings about potential issues in your code. I was a little troubled by this message, however, since it did not provide me a call stack or even a function name. ...Read More

10 years ago
Blog Article (12034)

Adventures in Configuring and Running Facebook's HipHopVM (hhvm) JIT Compiler for PHP

Years ago, faced with the need to build and manage a number of content websites, I developed a novel content management system akin to what Joomla or Drupal are today. I've always run my own servers so I could have chosen any development language. I briefly considered Java. However, suffering from delusions of grandeur, I wanted to make certain that whatever I built was as widely installable as possible. I envisioned building a successful open source platform that I could then build a services ...Read More