Showing 0 to 3 of 4 Results

4 months ago
Blog Article (278976)

Good article on keel bolts

The link preview isn't working for this link, so I'm posting this here How Secure is Your Keel? ...Read More

9 months ago
Blog Article (274982)

Progress continues - fairing and rear cowling installed.

For the duration of this project I've been remiss in writing about it here. There are some quick posts on the posts tab and a bunch of photos, but little in terms of context as to what happened, what we learned along the way, and especially what challenges we ran into.  Time permitting I hope to do a proper write up of the entire project. The things we thought would be terribly difficult turned out not to be and some of the things we thought would be trivial stopped us cold for quite a whil ...Read More

9 months ago
Blog Article (274858)

I must admit I am aesthetically impaired

It really is strange to me how some trivially insignificant visual details can make such a dramatic difference in the impact of a piece of software. I cut my teeth writing systems software mostly for NASA and the military. Functional and bare was the aesthetic I grew up with and as anyone who knows me it's pretty much what I've stuck with. So I tend to think in the abstract. I don't like GUI's. I don't like colors. I prefer the command line. I enter a command and I understand the unseen effec ...Read More

10 months ago
Blog Article (274853)

Upgrading Maplibre from 1.15 to 3.1

I haven't written anything here in ages upon ages. For some reason, probably fading illness, I'm feeling verbose tonight.  For this crazy adventure travel planning/tracking platform and app I've been working on for ages, I use MapLibre for the basemaps. It's a fork of the last open source version of Mapbox before they heinously decided to change their license to something that wasn't workable. I had pondered maintaining a fork of the last version of Mapbox myself, since without it my proje ...Read More